Do you worry that your recruiters' interpretation of best practice is not current
or in line with business needs? Have you ever wondered whether you are getting best
value for your recruitment spend? Have you ever thought that the competition seem
to be one step ahead of you in recruiting? If the answer is yes to any of these
questions, you should talk to us about our recruitment audit.
We provide a comprehensive set of best practice recommendations for the three
key drivers of your recruiting operations:
1. Are your people the right people, and are they focused on the right activities?
2. Do they possess the behavioral competencies that define great recruiters?
3. Do your recruiters know the nuance and art of sourcing, recruiting and hiring
passive talent?
4. Are they properly paid, trained, managed, assessed and empowered?
5. Do they build and maintain great relationships with those in their network, including
future talent (talent pipelines, CRM)?
1. Are your recruiting processes efficient based on the business needs and compliance
considerations? Are they properly documented?
2. Does your team have a clear understanding of recruiting best practices?
3. Are you outsourcing the right things? Is your your outsourcing effective? How
do you know?
4. Do you know which job boards are effective and is your job board spend appropriate
based on the results you are achieving?
5. Have you defined mission critical roles for the organization and are they aligned
with the overall business goals and strategy?
1. Does your ATS and other recruiting technology work for your recruiting process
and business requirements?
2. Are your recruiters fully utilizing the most important aspects of your recruiting
technology to maximize your investment?
3. Is your technology cumbersome for your recruiters? Does it takes too many clicks
for your recruiters to do their jobs?
4. Does the recruiting team rely on manual processing in your recruiting workflow?
5. Are your recruiters manually screening every resume?